DHH Washington DC Office Facilitated ACLA Leading Foreign-Oriented Lawyers Training Group to Visit Chinese Embassy in the U.S.
As international trade and investment become a commonplace for Chinese businesses and individuals, many Chinese law firms start to get involved in cross-border legal services. It was against this backdrop that, in 2012, ACLA launched the Training Program for Leading Foreign-Oriented Chinese Lawyers, which aimed to train about 300 high-quality lawyers, who have overseas experiences, are proficient with relevant legal matters, familiar with international rules, fluent in English, have global visions, and understand the dynamics between law and economics. In 2013, ACLA established a talent pool of 300 lawyers of such quality. In 2016, the talent pool expanded from 300 to 600 lawyers. From the onset in 2013 to 2016, four training programs took place in Germany, Spain, United States and United Kingdom. Each program resulted in huge success.
This year, 20 leading lawyers specializing in cross-border legal matters from Beijing, Tianjin, Guangdong Province and other 13 provinces (cities, districts) came to the capital of United States, Washington DC, to complete a 35-day training. As a local host, and after evaluating the needs and curriculum of the trainees, DHH Washington DC Office arranged a visit to Chinese Embassy in the U.S.
On November 2nd, 2017, the training group was warmly welcomed by Dr. Jiang Pan from the commercial section of the Embassy. He guided the group through the grand building and told stories of every painting and precious art craft. DHH Senior Partner Ms. Haisheng Yu, DHH partner as well as training program participant Ms. Shuli Ye, DHH DC Office Executive Director Ms. Sha Zhu, Legal Assistant Ms. Xingya Guo and Intern Ms. Siyao Liu accompanied the visitors.
Economic Attaché Mr. Bin Li greeted the training group and led a roundtable discussion. Mr. Li served at Chinese Embassy in the U.S. for 6 years, through which period he participated in many trade and climate changes negotiations between China and the US. As DHH’s old friend, Mr. Li was pleased to see that Chinese lawyers with foreign practices increased both in number and in quality. Counselor Mr. Li started his remarks with US-China trade statistics. In 2016, bilateral trade exceeded $500 billion. US trade deficit against China stood at $300 billion, which had triggered a series of actions by Trump administration, such as 301 Investigation and 202 Investigation. For 2017, up till now, China has invested almost $50 billion in US, mainly in manufacturing sector, energy and real estate. Large Chinese enterprises also make major purchases of natural gas and U.S. beef. On the contrary, foreign investments in China have decreased for the first time. China is geared towards stricter regulations over large investments by both companies and individuals. In addition to training curriculum, Mr. Li encouraged the group to visit local law schools, government agencies administrating trade and investment, think tanks and bar associations, as well as inviting U.S. counterparts to visit China. This type of exchanges would help foreign-oriented lawyers to handle two-way legal matters more efficiently, on one hand clearing obstacles for Chinese enterprises in the U.S., and on the other resolving problems for US enterprises in China. Trade is the cornerstone of US-China relations, and legal professionals are the guardians of this basis. Mr. Li encouraged lawyers to reach out and stay in touch with Chinese embassy’s economic and commercial sections, and utilized resources such as the 50 states’ investment updates on Ministry of Commerce’s website.
ACLA representative Ms. Weiran Li expressed gratitude for the Chinese Embassy and DHH on behalf of the group, followed by introducing the history and purpose of the Leading Foreign-Oriented Lawyers Training Program and the make-up of the fifth class. Acting Party Secretary Ms. Xuefeng Ji reported that, despite in the U.S., the group watched the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and studied the important political messages. Head of class Ms. Jun Han introduced each member of the group and shared several reflections from the training. Every member of the group considered the tour of Chinese Embassy a highlight of their US study and an unforgettable experience.