2nd DHH DC China Law Express featured Partner Sen Liu and discussed Z Visas and Work Authorization in China
Speaker Mr. Liu Sen, partner of Beijing DHH Law Firm, has extensive experiences in Chinese immigration law, labor law and foreign investment law. His lecture, “Guide to Z Visas and Work Authorization in China”, was structured with regulatory updates and vivid cases. Throughput the presentation, Mr. Liu interacted with the audiences comprised of DC lawyers, businessmen and university students. All found the seminar informative and helpful.
During the legal overview section, Mr. Liu highlighted the following four aspects concerning foreigners’ ability to work and procedures to get Z visas: important changes in the new foreigners working policy, general terms for all applicants, application procedures and requirements. Mr. Liu emphasized Notice on Full Implementation of Permit System for Foreigners Working in China, especially several changes most related to Americans: integration of Foreign Expert’s License and Employment License into Work License Notice, the updated categorizations of foreigners, score based assessment and quota management system.
During the Q&A, listeners raised many questions, such as who should pay the fees of application, will it affects the result of application if applicants could not speak Chinese, does an architecture need to establish a corporate to work in China and does a foreign student need to exit and enter in China again with work visa. Mr. Liu offered satisfactory answers to all in details.
China Law Express is a flagship program held once a month by DHH DC office. Senior lawyers from China will speak about the newest legal updates and implementation measures of a specialized Chinese law area that is of key interest to American legal community. It is an effort to introduce authentic Chinese law and enhance exchanges with American lawyers, government officials, businessmen and law students.