Beijing DHH (Shanghai) Law Firm Successfully Held the Forum on IP Protection for Foreign Enterprises in China

Release time:2019-03-14 14:17

On the afternoon of March 5th, 2019, Beijing DHH (Shanghai) Law Firm, in order to promote IP protection for foreign enterprises in China, held a forum themed on “IP Protection for Foreign Enterprises in China Forum in the Context of Sino-US Trade Disputes” on the 62nd floor of Shanghai Center Building.

In the afternoon, Mr. Evan Williams, IP Law Enforcement Coordinator in Asian Region of the US Department of Justice, and Political Officer Scott Linton, Legal Consultant Yun Gu, and Senior IP Counsel Lante Shi from the US Consulate General in Shanghai , were invited to attend the Forum; while three senior lawyers of Beijing DHH Law Firm, Hao Chen, Yuexi Yao, Yimin Liu, served as the keynote speakers. Representatives from more than 50 enterprises attended the Forum.

In the beginning, Director Huadong Tang of Beijing DHH (Shanghai) Law Firm delivered an opening address expressing his sincere welcome to all the honored guests and then introduced the keynote speakers--Lawyer Hao Chen (“China Top15 IP Lawyers” by ALB ), Lawyer Yuexi Yao (with extensive experience in cross-border investment and financing, IP, artificial intelligence and data compliance services ), and Lawyer Yimin Liu (Data Craft).

Ms. Yuexi Yao shared the Annual Legal Report on IP Protection of American Enterprises in China (2018) with participants combining foreign investment and intellectual property protection, analyzing Sino-US Trade War issues from the perspective of IP rights. Then she deeply interpreted the Chinese latest IP policies including legislative protection, administrative environment and judicial environment, and the IP issues in China under The Foreign Investment Law, as well as the countermeasures of American enterprises in China's for intellectual property protection under the new situation.

Then, Senior IP Lawyer Hao Chen gave a keynote speech themed on“The Main Difficulties and Solutions for US Companies in China to Protect their IP Rights”. He introduced main dilemmas encountered by US companies in the process of safeguarding their IP rights in China, such as trademark’s malicious registering, pirated software using, and so on. In allusion to these problems, Mr. Hao Chen shared related legal practical experiences in China, including creating a Blacklist to prevent malicious registration, raising statutory damages for copyright, shifting the burden of proof, improving the quality of patent creation, application, review, utilization and so on.

Subsequently, Mr. Yimin Liu delivered a speech on Criminal Protection of IP in the Era of AI.

Later, the honored guest Mr. Evan Williams (IP Law Enforcement Coordinator in Asian Region of the US Department of Justice) shared his experiences and American prosecutors' tips on combating trade secret crimes. In his sharing, Mr. Williams combined with his own working experience and cases to elaborate the characteristics of commercial secrets from the perspective of their development and composition, and explained the relationship between the criminal sentencing and the value of commercial secrets.

After the speech, the invited guests Political Officer Scott Linton and Legal Counsel Yun Gu from the US Consulate General in Shanghai respectively made a brief comment and summary on the Forum and expressed their high appreciation.

During the last session of interaction, the participant enterprise representatives put forward some questions related to IP protection for foreign enterprises in China, and received detailed reply from the speakers. The foreign representatives said that they had a further understanding about IP laws in China and would improve their consciousness of IP protection to prevent some risks in China, and then they expressed their hope to attend more similar events to acquire professional legal guidance and help when encountering IP problems. 

The Forum on IP Protection for Foreign Enterprises in China kicked off the series of lectures of Beijing DHH Law Firm in the United States. In mid-March, DHH will hold “3+1: Protection of IPRs in China through Criminal, Administrative and Civil Proceedings” successively in Seattle, Washington, New York, Boston, Chicago and other cities. Beijing DHH Law Firm sincerely invites you to participate in our American Lecture Tour.


Invitation to the Seattle Lecture on March 12, 2019


Invitation to the Washington DC Lecture on March 15, 2019

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