The “Belt and Road Compliance & Risk Prevention Forum ” was Successfully Held in Beijing
The Forum focused on legal risks and compliance requirements for domestic companies to “go out” under the Belt & Road Initiative. Heads of the seven committee of International Practice Center delivered speeches on cross-border investment and M&A, international trade, customs administration and customs-related criminal responsibility, maritime commerce, trade remedies, anti-monopoly and competition law, international arbitration and so on.

Firstly, Mr. Yao Jin, Co-Director of Beijing DHH (Shanghai) Law Firm and the Secretary-General of International Practice Center of DHH, announced the formal opening of the Forum. Mr. Kejiang Liu, Director of Beijing DHH Law Firm and Head of International Practice Center, delivered an opening speech on the Characteristics of Arbitration Rules of International Industry Associations and Its Impact on Chinese Parties.

Ms. Yuexi Yao, Head of Cross-border Investment and M&A Committee, shared on the Latest Development in Cross-border M&A and the Core Terms of the Transaction Documents.

In the third session, Director Kejiang Liu, on behalf of Beijing DHH Law Firm, conferred Mr. Jianzhong Yu, a banker and a financial expert who enjoyed the social science allowance of the State Council, as Senior Counsel by the Group. With years of experience, Mr. Yu briefly shared on The Importance of Compliance in International Economic Transactions for Chinese Enterprises to Go Global.

Mr. Qian Lin, Director of the International Trade and Customs Business Department (Beijing), shared on Prevention and Control of Customs Legal Risks in Import and Export Trade - Classification, Price and Active Disclosure.

Mr. Yong Peng, Director of the Customs Committee, shared on Legal Risk of Smuggling Crime for Import & Export Enterprises along the Belt and Road.

Mr. Shaohu Luan, Chairman of Board of Partners of DHH, shared his opinions on the current situation of bilateral trade relation between China and the United States and his expectation for the International Practice Center.

Lawyer Shuli Ye, Director Gang Li of Maritime Commerce Committee of the Maritime Professional Committee, Director Dapeng Tian of International Trade Committee, Director Li Ren of Competition Law and Antitrust Committee, and Lawyer Ronghua Ma delivered speeches respectively.

During the round-table discussion, participants actively exchanged their opinions with speakers on topics of interest. The Belt and Road Compliance and Risk Prevention Forum was crowned with complete success.