The Russia-DPRK Landscape Oil Painting Exhibition Held by DHH Opened Grandly to Celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Russia as well as China and DPRK

Release time:2019-04-12 13:59

On April 7th, 2019, The Russia-DPRK Landscape Oil Painting Exhibition opened grandly at the B2 floor Art Gallery of Shanghai Center to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia as well as China and DPRK. This Exhibition was sponsored by Beijing DHH Law Firm, Shandong Deheng Law Firm and organized by Beijing DHH (Shanghai) Law Firm and Blue Ocean Art Museum. Mr. Shaohu Luan, Chairman of Board of Partners of DHH, represented organizers attending the the unveiling ceremony. The Exhibition also attracted the attention and support from many media such as Shanghai Law Journal, and, and so on.



Mr. Huadong Tang, Senior Partner of DHH and Director of Beijing DHH (Shanghai) Law Firm, delivered an opening speech and gave a warm reception to the all present leaders and guests. In the speech he said, “The secret of the rapid development of DHH resulted in its awareness to share the same fate with the country and people of China, to undertake the mission of the time actively, and to make the business revenue and public welfare activities complement each other. The Belt and Road Initiative is a great project, while Shanghai is its important home port. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between China and Russia as well as China and DPRK, the Russia-DPRK Landscape Oil Painting Exhibition is a catalyst for cultural communication among China, Russia, DPRK and other important countries along the Belt and Road, so that to revitalize the friendship between China, Russia as well as China and DPRK in the new historical period with far-reaching significance. ”



On the opening day of April 7, oil painting lovers came to the exhibition in an endless stream. More than 100 oil painting treasures from Russia and DPRK are all provided by DHH with different styles, diverse themes and grand scale. Russian oil painting enjoys a good reputation all over the world, reflecting magnificent and romantic scenery and cultural landscape, while oil painting of DPRK pays attention to real life and is cordial and realistic, some of which are favored and sought after by Chinese oil painting collectors.



Since establishment in 2010, DHH has been committed to developing professional of lawyers while actively fulfilling its social responsibility. Painting exhibition not only is a medium for DHH to make friends and promote international communication thus to show the broad mind of the Chinese, but also is one of the ways to practice its social responsibility. During the Spring Festival of 2019, the Russian Artists Association Gallery invited DHH to hold an exhibition of Chinese calligraphy & painting masterpieces as a part of the fifth “Happy Chinese New Year” event of the St. Petersburg Government, which prompted a rush throughout the St. Petersburg. The Russia-DPRK Landscape Oil Painting Exhibition will last for 7 days from April 7, 2019 to April 13, 2019. Sincerely welcome friends from all sections of the community to enjoy the marvellous visual feast!


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