DHH Lawyer Chunhua Cui and Patent Counsel Ying Li Visited The Embassy of Canada to China - Beijing

Release time:2019-03-27 14:13

On 19th March, 2019, Foreign-related IP Lawyer Ms. Chunhua Cui and Foreign-related Patent Counsel Ms. Ying Li of Beijing DHH Law Firm paid a visit to The Embassy of Canada to China. They exchanged views with Ms. Michele Dicaire, Embassy Official & Chief Economic Officer of Québec’s Representative Office in Beijing, discussing issues about foreign-related IP protection and cross-border investment, etc. 

Ms. Dicaire introduced the main organizations and functions of The Embassy of Canada to China and the Québec’s Representative Office in Beijing, and expressed that many Canadian enterprises in China had demands for legal services in China’s IP protection, investment and other fields. She also sent her warmest welcome to Chinese enterprises to Canada for investment and trade.

Ms. Chunhua Cui and Ms. Ying Li shared DHH’s rich experience of legal services in foreign-related IP protection, cross-border investment and other fields. The two sides discussed the possibility of joint cooperation in promoting intellectual property protection and investment of Canadian enterprises in China and providing better policy, information and legal services for domestic enterprises to Canada in the future.


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