Beijing DHH Law Firm was Invited to the LAWASIA Business Law Forum 2019 in the Philippines

Release time:2019-03-26 14:13

From March 14th to 16th, 2019, Ms. Yang Lu, Partner of DHH & Director of  Financial-Technology Department of Beijing DHH Law Firm, was invited to attend the LAWASIA Business Law Forum 2019 and delivered a key-note speech in Manila, the Philippines.


Ms. Yang Lu was at the Conference site.

The LAWASIA Business Law Forum 2019 was held by LAWASIA and organized by Philippine Bar Association. The Forum attracted the lawyers from China, Australia, Russia, Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong and other countries and regions, as well as the representative officials and scholars from relevant governmental departments, securities regulatory commissions and banks, etc.

The Forum mainly focused on 9 topics: (1) Climate of Business is Changing: Are you Keeping Abreast? (2) Data Privacy Protection; (3) Corporations, Limited Companies and Other Artificial Persons; (4) Anti-Trust and Competition Law; (5) The Collapse of The Cryptocurrency World: Regulation, Securities Token Offerings, Blockchain Ecosystems and the Way Forward; (6) Cross-Border Investments, Arbitration and Insolvency; (7) Joint Ventures, Franchising and Other Collaborative Investment Structure; (8) Infrastructure Projects in Asia: China "Belt and Road Initiative" and Philippines "Build, Build, Build Program"; (9) Taxation in Asia.

During the Forum, Lawyer Yang Lu delivered a key-note speech titled Interpretation of China's Provision on the Administration of Block-Chain Information Service, giving a detailed introduction to the eight major issues on the Provision. Based on her years of engagement in finance, Lawyer Yang Lu held the view that the new Provision had clearly defined the attitude of regulators towards block-chain service. She said "Financial technology, including block-chains, will be the main force of and will play a decisive role in the economic development of all countries in the future. In the development of financial technology, lawyers are willing to play a role as a facilitator and defender.”


Ms. Yang Lu is delivering a key-note speech.

Ms. Yang Lu is interacting with other participants during the Block-Chain Round-table Meeting.

The Forum gathered judges, lawyers and legal professors from the Philippines, China, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Sri Lanka, Singapore, India, Indonesia, Australia, Hong Kong, Russia and other countries and regions, as well as the experts from Asian Development Bank (ADB) and other international organizations together. All the participants shared their views and delivered in-depth discussions on the nine topics.



The LAWASIA Business Law Forum 2019 not only provided an exchange platform for legal practitioners from various countries, but also promoted the international communication among lawyers in various countries, which is conducive to the better provision of legal services and support in the new situation under the Belt and Road Initiative.

A group photo posed by Chinese Lawyers and Chairman of Philippine Bar Association.

Introduction to LAWASIA:

Founded in 1966, the Law Association for Asia and the Pacific (LAWASIA) is the earliest regional association with significant influence, consisting of individual members and members of various legal associations, legal organizations, law firms and corporate enterprises. LAWASIA is targeted to promote the cooperation and exchange among the Asia-Pacific legal profession, thus to  promote the economic development and social progress of Asia Pacific.

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