China's First Legal Compliance and Innovation Forum on Listed Companies was Successfully Held

On July 21st, 2018, China's First Legal Compliance and Innovation Forum on Listed Companies was co-hosted by DHH, Faren Magazine of Legal Daily, Law School of Shenzhen University and Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration in Shenzhen. The Forum released the research report on senior executives’ crime of listed companies in China and ten innovative products provided by lawyers about legal compliance of listed companies. Among them, the product about how the party organization is embedded in listed companies has caused fervent discussions among more than 160 executives, secretaries and legal persons from listed companies such as Tencent, Inspur, BGI and so on.

Professor Yaying Huang, Dean of Law School of Shenzhen University, and Lawyer Shaohu Luan, Chairman of Board of Partners of Beijing DHH Law Firm, which were organizers of the Forum, agreed that the priority of the construction of legal compliance of Chinese listed companies was to embed the party’s leadership not only in the state-owned (state-controlled) listed companies but also extend it to all listed companies including private and non-state-controlled companies in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and laws and regulations. However, about how to change the current “hard implementation” and realize the “soft landing” according to the law, it is necessary for the legal profession to make suggestions and put the party's will into force in the articles of listed companies in a comprehensive and correct way. Finally, Lawyer Shaohu Luan, on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Forum, proposed to China Securities Regulatory Commission about Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies in China which is currently under revision: to add “Party Construction Committee” as an essential committee like the “Audit Committee” in the newly-revised Article 38 of “Special Committees of the Board of Directors”. This initiative was generally endorsed and supported by executives of all listed companies and lawyers who participated in the Forum.

It was reported that the Seminar on Party Construction & Legal Practice of Listed Companies in China would be co-organized by Law School of Shenzhen University and Beijing DHH Law Firm in Shenzhen University in October this year.