Moscow Office of Beijing DHH Law Firm was Invited to Attend the Mobilization Meeting for “Peaceful World Cup” by the Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in St. Petersburg

Release time:2018-06-28 11:07
On the eve of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in St. Petersburg held the Mobilization Meeting for a “Peaceful World Cup” and Mr. Kui Qu, Director of Moscow Office of Beijing DHH Law Firm, attended the Meeting on behalf of the Law Firm. More than 30 people in total attended the Meeting, including Shuyou Zhang (Deputy Consul-General of the Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in St. Petersburg), Qi Li (Director of the Consular Office), Lailin Sun (Consul of Education Office), Xin Luo (Commercial Consul), Jianping Zhuang (Cultural Consul) and Senyao Zhang (Consul), as well as industry representatives from China Travel Agency in St. Petersburg, the Overseas Chinese Association, the Student Union for Foreign Chinese Student in St. Petersburg, airline companies and Chinese-funded enterprises etc.

During the Meeting, Deputy Consul-General Mr. Zhang firstly gave a warm welcome to all the participant representatives, and then delivered a speech on how to make preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup and provide better services for Chinese tourists to St. Petersburg, thus to display a “Peaceful World Cup”.
Mr. Shuyou Zhang, Deputy Consul-General of the Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in St. Petersburg

Director Kui Qu gave a general introduction of Beijing DHH Law Firm, and expressed that St. Petersburg Office of Beijing DHH Law Firm would work together and cooperate closely with all parties to give positive responses to the Consulate and do all the preparatory work well. Besides, Beijing DHH Law Firm would enhance its exchange and cooperation with the law firms in Russia to provide legal support and consulting services for the Chinese audience for the 2018 FIFA World Cup who got involved in relevant legal affairs or disputes. In addition, Beijing DHH Law firm would further publicize the latest Russian laws and regulations, especially associated with the special immigration policies or provisions during the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Mr. Kui Qu, Director of Moscow Office of Beijing DHH Law Firm

Industry representatives from China Travel Agency in St. Petersburg, Overseas Chinese Association, the Student Union for Foreign Chinese Student in St. Petersburg, airline companies and Chinese-funded enterprises all stated that they would responded well to the Consulate to formulate contingency plans for a “Peaceful World Cup”, actively cooperate with the work of the Consulate General, and provide reception and other services for Chinese tourists to St. Petersburg and the fans of 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Deputy Consul-General Mr. Zhang appealed all industries to guarantee the security of Chinese citizens during the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

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