Director Keijiang Liu Hired as RFL by The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

According to Lawyers Law of the Russian Federation, a foreign lawyer must complete the above mentioned registration with the Judicial Administration of the Russian Federation before conducting legal practice in Russia.
As one of the China International Legal Professionals selected by All China Lawyers Association and a pioneer in the legal service market in Russia, Mr. Kejiang Liu has been engaged in providing cross-border legal service for Chinese investment & financing projects in Russia and Central Asia and promoting the legal exchanges between China and Russia as well as the development of the investment & financing projects since Chinese Government proposed the Belt and Road Initiative. Meanwhile, Mr. Kejiang Liu has also devoted to promoting Moscow Office of Beijing DHH Law Firm to cooperate with Chinese General Chamber of Commerce in Russia and Chinese-Russian Business Zone to establish China Law Center in both Moscow and St. Petersburg, actively publicized China’s law and promoted Chinese lawyers to serve as legal advisors for the Embassy of People's Republic of China in the Russian Federation for the first time, which provided rich experiences for Chinese lawyers to serve as a legal advisor in Chinese embassies & consulates in foreign countries. Besides, Mr. Liu has also promoted the cooperation with some law schools of Russian universities to cultivate Russian legal professionals. In addition, Mr. Kejiang Liu has also promoted Chinese General Chamber of Commerce in Russia to establish a branch for legal service industry and united reputable Russian law firms and introduced the firms joined the branch so to form a union of Chinese and Russian lawyers. The union of lawyers has provided several free legal trainings for executive directors of Chinese-funded enterprises in Russia and guaranteed the legal compliance during their daily operation in Russia.

The legal service projects that Mr. Kejiang Liu is dealing with or has completed included: Serving as a legal advisor for a listed Chinese company for its whole project of building industrial park in Moscow, Case of a listed Chinese company for its investment of 0.6 billion USD in making methanol from natural gas in Russia, Cooperative Project of setting up plants between Anhui Conch Cement Co., Ltd and the State Government of Ulyanovsk, Russia, Project of Haining China Leather City for its property acquisition in Russia, and serving as an representative of YOTA DEVICES (a well-known Russian mobile-phone manufacturer) for its arbitration case.