The <Chinese Lawyer> periodical office and the Beijing DHH Law Firm Jointly Hold the Seminar “Regulations of the Anti-Smuggling Work (Exposure Draft)”

Release time:2017-06-20 09:49
On June 5,2017, the <Chinese Lawyer> periodical office and Beijing DHH law firm jointly held the seminar called “Regulations of the Anti-Smuggling Work (Exposure Draft)”. This exposure draft was issued by Legal Affairs Office of the State Council on May 18,2017 and solicited public opinions from the society. The international trade and custom team of Beijing DHH law firm immediately organized an internal discussion and drew up some modification suggestions. This seminar was aimed at obtaining more suggestions from scholars and experts widely and submitting official modification suggestions ultimately to the State Council.
Zhao Jing, the compliance director of the international trade and custom team, hosted the seminar. Jiang Qi, the director of DHH, and other partners of Beijing DHH law firm such as Shi Donghai, Liu You, Zhou Jincai, Xu Hongliang, attended the seminar and declared themselves. Li Huapeng, the director of the career development department of the <Chinese Lawyer> periodical office, Zhao Guohua, the deputy director of the customs law research center of China University of Political Science and Law, Wang Xu and Xie Wangyuan, the professors of People's University, Yuan Dasong, the professor of Beijing Normal University, Lai Zaoxing, the professor of University of International Business and Economics, Yu Liang, the associate professor of Beijing Technology and Business University, Tian Gang, the teacher of Minzu University of China, Shang Haonan, the teacher of Central University of Finance and Economics, Liu Jingjuan, the teacher of Beijing Union University, Jiang Xiaoping, the director of Re-code Trade Security and Facilitation Research Center, and many other representatives from SIEMENS AG, SUMEC International Technology Co., Ltd. , Kerry Logistics Network Limited, China Commercial Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. , and Bondex Logistics Co.,Ltd. attended the seminar and meticulously discussed on the legality and rationality of the regulations.
This seminar was an attempt and an endeavor of participating in legislation for the academic circles, the business circles and the legal circles collectively. The lawyers of Beijing DHH law firm would collect all the opinions from the participants and officially submit the modification suggestions on “Regulations of the Anti-smuggling Work (Exposure Draft) ” to Legal Affairs Office of the State Council.


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