Diretor Hu Ming Attends Symposium of the Standing Committee of Qingdao Municipal People’s Congress and Tird General Meeting of the Qingdao Municipal Insittute of Forensic Science

Release time:2016-12-09 22:08

Diretor Hu Ming Attends Symposium of the Standing Committee of Qingdao Municipal People’s Congress and Tird General Meeting of the Qingdao Municipal Insittute of Forensic Science

On May 30 the Standing Committee of Qingdao Municipal People’s Congress held a symposium on “the Motion for ‘Making Rules on Qingao Laoshan Scenic Area’”(No. 18). The representatives from relevant departments and units discussed the drafting of the Regulation. Ms Hu Ming, the Director of Shandong Deheng Law Firm, attended the Symposium and put forward her opinions regarding the protection, management status, existing problems and legislation suggestions etc of the Laoshan Scenic Area. Ms Hu Ming is a member of the Legal Advisory Board of the Advisory Committee of the 15th Standing Committee of Qingdao Municipal People’s Congress.  

On May 31 Qingdao Intermediate People’s Court held the Third General Meeting of Qingdao Municipal Institute of Forensic Science which heard the Work Report and the Financial Report of the last Council. Ms Hu Ming attended the Meeting and was elected as a member of the new Council.

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