Lawyer Zhuokong Yang went to Taiwan for the Seminar on Cross-strait Trade Secret Investigation & Litigation Practice

At the Seminar, justices, experts, lawyers, enterprise representatives and volunteers from both Taiwan and Mainland of China shared their views on the current situation of cross-strait business secret protection, the legislation progress of trade secret, the difficulties and practices in the investigation of infringement trade secret cases, the prosecution conditions and judicial practice of trade secret cases, and so on. The latest legal achievements and judicial practices of trade secret protection were presented and its difficulties and shortcomings in terms of theories, laws and technology were also put forward on the Seminar. Lawyer Zhuokong Yang delivered a keynote speech and were well received.

The Seminar originated from the IP-related seminars which have been hosted in turn by Mainland of China and Taiwan since 2008. At present, cross-strait forums on trademark, patent and copyright have become an important cross-strait exchange mechanism. Trade secrets, patents and trademarks are equivalent components of intellectual property for enterprises. Especially for science-based enterprises, trade secrets account for a large proportion of the whole intangible assets and core technologies, and are related to the core interests of enterprises while its protection meets many obstacles. Due to the same language, geographical proximity, close industrial chain, there are more frequent talent flow between the Mainland and Taiwan and much attention should be paid on trade secret protection. Based the common needs of the two sides for trade secret protection, there were two sessions of Trade Secret Seminar successively held in Taiwan and the Mainland in 2018. Participants said that the seminars enjoyed a success and played a positive significance in promoting the exchange of trade secret protection between the two sides.
During this Seminar, experts, scholars and justice practitioners from the Mainland of China gave an report of the new theoretical research achievements and the practical performances on trade secret protection combining with the revised Anti-unfair Competition Law, which were highly praised by the attendees. It was believed that the achievements and contents shared by the Mainland were much original and substantial, and embodied the rapid development in the protection of trade secrets.
The next Cross-strait Trade Secret Practice Seminar will be held in Beijing in the second half of 2019.