China-ASEAN Legal Cooperation Center Successfully Held the First Board Meeting in 2019

Release time:2019-04-26 13:53

On April 24th, 2019, China-ASEAN Legal Cooperation Center ("ASEAN Center") held its first board meeting in 2019 at the Hong Kong meeting room of Beijing DHH (Shenzhen) Law Firm. Mr. Wen Shi, Chairman of Huanyu China-ASEAN Legal Cooperation Center and Director of Hainan Arbitration Commission, presided over the meeting.

This meeting was mainly to review and summarize the work of ASEAN Center in 2018, as well as to provide some prospects and suggestions for the next work in 2019. Directors and Standing Members of ASEAN Center concluded their works in 2018 and introduced their plans in 2019, including Director Yuan Yao of ASEAN (Hong Kong) Center, Director Tinghui Zhong of ASEAN (Singapore) Center, Director Xingchang Chen of ASEAN (Malaysia) Center, Director Zhengsong Liu of Legal Department of ASEAN (Laos) Center, Director Lianjie Li of Legal Department of ASEAN (Cambodia) Center, Mr. Zhaohui Wang, Mr. Zhimin Liu, Mr. Shu Gao, Mr. Chunlei Cai, Mr. Yijiu Xin, Ms. Aimin Liao, Mr. Yu Du, Mr. Lide Han and so on.


Mr. Yanxun Liu, Secretary-General of the ASEAN Center, introduced the preparatory establishment of the Pu'er Arbitration Center Committee and suggestions for the following work of the ASEAN Center. Chief Supervisor Fuqiang Gao emphasized on the construction of the Belt & Road Lawyers Alliance and the Sanya Law School. Mr. Qi Jiang, Vice-chairman of ASEAN Center and Managing Partner of DHH, put forward four suggestions: 1. The regularization of the annual general meeting; 2. The quality of daily activities; 3. The diversity of directors and members; 4. The commercialization of future development. At the end of the meeting, Chairman Wen Shi delivered a warm speech and made a specific arrangement for the future development of the ASEAN Center in 2019. He also expressed his expectation to the next Board Meeting to be held in Malaysia or Singapore.

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