Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Office Represented Chinese Enterprises Attending EAEU Hearing on Safeguard

Release time:2019-02-28 14:20

On February 18th, 2019, the Hearing on Investigation into Safeguard Measures for Certain Rolled Metal Products in the Customs Zone of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) organized by the Domestic Market Protection Department of Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) was officially held in Moscow.

Lawyers from Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Office, on behalf of two Chinese enterprises, participated in the Hearing. Besides, representatives from nearly 50 companies and organizations from various countries also attended the Hearing.

The topics of the Hearing were as follows: Related Parties and the Economic Interests, Imported Goods of the Respondents, Similar or Directly-competitive Products Produced within the EAEU, Whether the Import Volume of Goods in the EAEU Customs Area would Increase, Whether the Metallurgical Industry of EAEU Member Countries will be Treated or Damaged due to the Increased Import Volumes, etc.

The Hearing was presided over by Chairman of the meeting, and the participant representatives spoke in turn and expounded their views on the above topics respectively. The whole meeting lasted for nearly six and a half hours.

The safeguard investigation and anti-dumping investigation were initiated almost simultaneously so that there emerged a problem of product overlap. Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Office  expressed a defense opinion on behalf of the clients.

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