Representatives of Beijing DHH Law Firm Attended AmCham China 2018 Annual Appreciation Dinner

Release time:2018-12-05 14:58

On November 29th , 2018, Beijing DHH Law Firm, as a member of the AmCham China, participated in the AmCham China 2018 Annual Appreciation Dinner.

The Annual Appreciation Dinner hosted by the AmCham China is its grandest and most representative gathering. All representatives that were invited to this Appreciation Dinner were government officials and business representatives from  China and the United States, who have made outstanding contributions to Sino-US relationship and economy and trade during the past year. The Dinner began with the humorous host given by Mr. William Zarit, Chairman of the AmCham China. A number of Chinese and US government officials, including Mr. Chuantang Yang, Vice Chairman of the 13th CPPCC National Committee, and Mr. Terry Branstad, American Ambassador to China, respectively delivered a toast to the Dinner and expressed their expectations and best wishes for Sino-US diplomatic relations and economic and trade cooperation.

Mr. Kejiang Liu, Director of Beijing DHH Law Firm, Senior Partner Hao Chen, Senior Co-Partner Chunhui Fang and Co-Partner Shuli Ye attended the Appreciation Dinner, where DHH lawyers gathered together with their friends wishing the friendship between China and the US be everlasting.

From left to right: Lawyer Chunhui Fang, Director Kejiang Liu, Ms. Shan Luan (Law Commissioner of the US Embassy in China), Lawyer Shuli Ye and Lawyer Hao Chen

Over the years, Beijing DHH Law Firm and its branches, including offices in Washington, Seattle, Sydney, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Toronto, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul and so on, held promotion lectures on Chinese Law, and represented Chinese enterprises to attend the hearings of Section 301 Investigation, as well as made important contributions to the economic and trade exchanges and mutual cooperation between Chinese and American enterprises.

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