Lawyer Yuan Yao was Invited as the Keynote Speaker to the Seminar on Belt & Road Foreign Dispute Resolution and Risk Prevention

Release time:2018-11-16 15:00

From November 3rd to November 6th, 2018,  the Training for Shandong Leading Lawyers in International Legal Services & the Seminar on Belt & Road Foreign Dispute Resolution and Risk Prevention was successfully held in Qingdao, which was hosted by Shandong Lawyers Association and co-organized by Qingdao Lawyers Association, serving as a practice to carry out the essence of the 19th National Congress of CPC and the Belt & Road Initiative, thus improving the professional ability of lawyers in international legal services. Mr. Yaping Wang, Vice-President of Shandong Lawyers Association attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Experts from Germany, France, Singapore and China were invited to give lectures, and more than 100 leading foreign lawyers from the whole Province signed up for the Training. Mr. Yuan Yao, Senior Partner of Beijing DHH Law Firm & Director of Moscow Office of Beijing DHH Law Firm, was invited as Legal Expert to give a detailed introduction to the Russian investment situation and the laws and regulations related with investment involving Russia.

As a leading lawyer and front-line practitioner in China-Russian investment legal services, Mr. Yuan Yao conducted a major interpretation with profundity and an easy-to-understand approach of the risks and countermeasures that are likely to occur in the process of Chinese investment in Russia, which was based on the characteristics of Chinese-funded enterprises in combination with the actual cases handled by the Moscow Office of Beijing DHH Law Firm. His speech was highly praised by the participants.




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