Director Kejiang Liu Attended IBA 2018 Annual Conference in Rome

Release time:2018-10-26 15:04

From October 7th to 12th, 2018, the 2018 Annual Conference of International Bar Association (IBA) was held in Rome Convention Center-La Nuvola, Italy. As one of the five attorneys endowed and selected by All China Lawyers Association, Mr. Kejiang Liu, Director of Beijing DHH Law Firm, participated in the IBA 2018 Annual Conference in Rome. The Annual Conference attracted more than 6000 lawyers around the world as its attendees.

On the morning of October 8th, the Opening Ceremony of International Bar Association (IBA) was grandly held. During the Opening Ceremony, Mayor of Rome gave a welcome address; Mr. Romano Prodi, the former Italian Prime Minister and Chairman of the European Commission, delivered a keynote speech; Mr. Martin Solc, Chairman of International Bar Association (IBA) delivered an opening speech. Besides, the Pope Mr. Francis also sent a congratulatory letter and his best wishes to the Conference.


Subsequently, a series of more than 200 activities with diverse topics and various forms got under way, including sub-forums, seminars, salons, lecture, breakfast meeting, luncheon party, and reception dinner, etc. The topics covers the fields of international trade, investment & financing, merger & acquisition international arbitration, network security, artificial intelligence, law & technology, labor, anti-corruption and others. This Annual Conference kept lights on the cross-border M&A, international commercial arbitration, block-chain and corporate governance. 

During the Conference, Director Kejiang Liu successively attended the sub-forums and seminars held by Antitrust Committee, Law Firm Management Committee, Securities Law Committee, Human Rights Committee, Financial Service Section, Technology Law Committee, Corporate and M&A Law Committee, IP Law Committee of IBA, and conducted interaction and exchanges with participants.


During the Annual Conference, Director Kejiang Liu also paid a visit to an Italian law firm, participated in the cocktail party organized by well-known law firms of UK and Italy. In addition, Director Kejiang Liu made friendly exchanges with participant representatives of law firms in various countries, which maintained a long-term friendly cooperation with Beijing DHH Law Firm.

It was the second time for Director Kejiang Liu to attend the IBA Annual Conference following the IBA 2017 Annual Conference in Sydney. During this Conference in Rome, Director Kejiang Liu led a delegation of representatives, consisting of 17 directors and partner attorneys, which was beneficial for Beijing DHH Law Firm to further develop its global legal service network and to improve its capability of international legal service for Chinese enterprises “going out” under the Belt and Road Initiative.

International Bar Association (IBA) is the most notable international organization of legal practitioners and bar associations, aiming to promote the cooperation and exchanges among lawyers throughout the world. Through the various activities organized by its diverse committees, it targets to strengthen the interchange in the fields of laws, practices and the practice of business law around the globe, thus striving to “Make a difference in international legal reform and development” and “Shape a new future in legal profession”. Up to now, IBA has a membership of 80,000 individual lawyers, more than 190 bar associations and legal societies covering more than 160 countries.

The 2019 Annual Conference of International Bar Association (IBA) will be held in Seoul of Korea in late September, 2019.

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