Washington D.C. Law Office of Beijing DHH Law Firm Attended the Privacy Rights Protection Forum in Georgetown University Law Center

Release time:2018-07-19 11:08
On July 2nd , 2018, Washington D.C. Office of Beijing DHH Law Firm attended a forum in Georgetown Law School about the impact of the U. S. Supreme Court’s desicion on Carpenter v. United States case on the fourth amendment to the constitution of USA. The case improved the standard on how to identify the rights of privacy protection, raising the correlation standard to the possibility of crime.

Todd Hesel
Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Appeals Division, Maryland Attorney General’s Office

Jason Downs
Maryland Criminal & Civil Defense Attorney

The keynote speakers presented different opinions, discussing how the Carpenter case may be applied narrowly or broadly under different jurisdictions and how it would affect police work and criminal trials. Generally speaking, this ruling could be a watershed case for future changes in privacy rights in future digital age, and the police could accomplish similar cases in other ways in the future.

Lawyer and Paralegals from Washington D.C. Law Office of Beijing DHH Law Firm posed a group photo with the Keynote Speaker of the forum.

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