DHH Was Awarded "2012 Top 50 IPO Law Firm" by Fangyuan Magazine

Release time:2016-12-12 22:22
Recently, Beijing DHH Law Firm was awarded “2012 Top 50 IPO Law Firm” by Fangyuan Magazine. The magazine conducted extensive research on businesses of law firms in domestic and overseas IPO, funding, bond issuance and merger & acquisition project, combing with comprehensive factors such as rankings of past performance, brand value and reputation of the law firm, etc. Beijing DHH Law Firm ranked 16 on the list due to the performance of securities & capital market team. In particularly, the firm ranked 7 in overseas IPO by the virtue of its 3 overseas IPO businesses in 2012.
In the meantime, Fangyuan Magazine also published an article titled “The Loyal Quality of DHH Law Firm”, which introduced DHH securities & capital team’s developing history, working ethic and developing direction, and recommended the team to the public.

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