Director Jiang Qi and Lawyer Ji Cheng Visit Hong Kong W. K. To & Co.

Release time:2016-12-08 21:45

Director Jiang Qi and Lawyer Ji Cheng Visit Hong Kong W. K. To & Co.

On October 9 Jiang Qi, Director of Beijing DHH Law Firm, and Ji Cheng, Standing Deputy Director of DHH Law Firm, visited the Beijing office of Hong Kong law firm W. K. To & Co. The guests were received by Director Du Weiqiang, and partners Zhang Yi and Zhang Lixia. This was the second time for the group to meet.

W. K. To & Co, one of the key law firms in Hong Kong, was founded in 1985 and its Beijing Office was established in 1996. Its clients are mainly cross-border enterprises, listed corporations, banks and financial institutions etc.. Director Du Weiqiang is licensed in Hong Kong, the U.K., Singapore and the state of Victoria, Australia.

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